Peoples’ Saga “OWN A TREE” Program

Anybody and everybody can/will adopt or donate a tree when an organization is doing the good work for mere Rs. 200/- per plant in India. No doubt it’s a great work anybody could initiate.

But the real concern is, Will it serve its purpose? Rs. 200/- is fair enough to plant a tree, but the purpose served is only when that plant reaches its lifespan of 30 years at least. Does one should really expect any organization to nurture it till 30 years for Rs. 200/- only. Do you find it realistic? Give it a real thought.

When we talk about a tree growing at least 30 years so gracious, it certainly needs real care and maintenance, which most the organizations cannot afford, hence most of the plants vanish in a mere year.

This is why Peoples’ Saga – Sustainable Living has designed a module in such a way wherein everything sees its best possible results. The concept of COMMERCIAL – CHARITY venturing out Peoples’ Saga OWN A TREE Program.

“So Never ADOPT A TREE instead buy – GIVE THE GIFT OF LIFE.”

Plants and trees are our natural capital. They are fundamental to life on earth, offering food, medicine and shelter. They also sequester carbon, fight pollution and bind the soil.

The solution to catastrophic events like wildfires, floods and pandemics lies in restoring green cover and restoring the balance in nature. Planting or adopting trees can help safeguard jobs, human health and essential natural resources for millions of people.

Forest cover in India (2022) – important statistics

The total forest cover in India (2022) is 7,13,789 square kilometers which is 21.71% of the total geographical area. India has added 1,540 Sq. km. of forest cover from 2019 to 2021. The forest cover is divided into 3 parts.

  • Very dense forest: All land with tree canopy density of 70% and above.
  • Moderately dense forest: All land with tree canopy density of 40% – 70%.
  • Open forest: All land with tree canopy density of 10% – 40%.

State-wise forest cover in India 2022

State/UT Forest cover (sq km) Geographical area (sq km) forest cover percentage

(of geographical area)

Andhra Pradesh 29,784 1,62,968 18.28 %
Arunachal Pradesh 66,431 83.743 79.33 %
Assam 28,312 78,438 36.09 %
Bihar 7,381 94,163 7.84 %
Chhattisgarh 55,717 1,35,192 41.21 %
Goa 2,244 3,702 60.62 %
Gujarat 14,926 1,96,244 7.61 %
Haryana 1,603 44,212 3.63 %
Himachal Pradesh 15,443 55,673 27.73 %
Jharkhand 23,721 79,716 29.76 %




20.19 %

Kerala 21,253 38,852 54.70 %
Madhya Pradesh 77,493 3,08,252 25.14 %
Maharashtra 50,798 3,07,713 16.51 %
Manipur 16,598 22,327 74.34 %
Meghalaya 17,046 22,429 76.00 %
Mizoram 17,820 21,081 84.53 %
Nagaland 12,251 16,579 73.90 %
Odisha 52,156 1,55,707 33.50 %
Punjab 1,847 50,362 3.67 %
Rajasthan 16,655 3,42,239 4.87 %
Sikkim 3,341 7,096 47.08 %
Tamil Nadu 26,419 1,30,060 20.31 %
Telangana 21,214 1,12,077 18.93 %
Tripura 7,722 10,486 73.64 %
Uttar Pradesh 14,818 2,40,928 6.15 %
Uttarakhand 24,305 53,483 45.44 %
West Bengal 16,832 88,752 18.96 %
Andaman and Nicobar Islands 6,744 8,249 81.75 %
Chandigarh 22.88 114 20.07 %
Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu 227.75 602 37.83 %
Delhi 195 1,483 13.15 %
Jammu and Kashmir 21,387 54,624 39.15 %
Lakshadweep 27.10 30 90.33 %
Ladakh 2,272 1,68,055 1.35%
Puducherry 53.30 490 10.88 %

Forest Cover Lost in 11 States as India Falls 11% Behind 2022 Target

India has been able to show an increase in the overall forest cover on paper without an actual increase in forests

India’s total forest cover currently is 713,789 sq km. This is nearly 22% of India’s total geographical area. India’s target was to increase this up to 33% by this year. We are currently over 11% behind this target.

The total forest cover, however, has increased by a mere 1,540 Sq Km. This data has been released in India’s State of Forest Report (ISFR) 2021, the last version of this report came in 2019.

The notable points that the survey has revealed indicate that the forest cover that has been lost, a major part of it is from the country’s dense forest areas. Whereas, the increase that we claim in our forest cover is mostly under ‘open forest’. The open forest is a category of forest cover where the tree canopy density is 10-40%.

So in reality, our forest cover has been depleting, even though data says otherwise. Read further to understand how that has been happening.

Respiratory Facts

The average adult, when resting, inhales and exhales about 7 or 8 liters of air per minute. That totals about 11,000 liters of air per day.

Inhaled air is about 20 percent oxygen. Exhaled air is about 15 percent oxygen. Therefore, about 5 percent of breathed air is consumed in each breath. That air is converted to carbon dioxide. So, as far as how much air is used, human beings take in about 550 liters of pure oxygen per day.

An average person’s respiration generates approximately 450 liters (roughly 900 grams) of carbon dioxide per day.

In an average resting adult, the lungs take up about 250ml of oxygen every minute while excreting about 200ml of carbon dioxide. (Respiratory system)

So, 200 ml per minute and thus 200mlx60X24 = 288L. Or equivalent to 565.36g/per day = 0.565 kg/day (after divide with standard molar volume constant and times with CO2 molar weight).

Assuming life to be 80 years = .565*365*80 = 16498 Kg/average life. Hence it ranges from 26.2 ton – 16.5 ton /life.

Research has shown that this answer could vary. While a typical hardwood tree can absorb as much as 48 pounds of carbon dioxide per year (22 Kgs appx). This means it will sequester approximately 1 ton of carbon dioxide by the time it reaches 40 years old.

So, on average, an average human should have at-least 30 trees planted in their lifetime.

Let us join hands for a better tomorrow and make avail to our next generation whatever is available for us, that way making everything sustainable.

Peoples’ Saga – Peoples’ Company.

“Own A Tree”

  • 9+42=51 Sq. Ft. Land in your “Property Portfolio”.
  • Package Value: Rs. 15,000/- One Shot + 18% GST.
  • Startup Kit : Rs. 3,000/-
  • AMC of Rs. 2,000/- (GST Applicable).

1 Tree
